
Abstract People presenting papers and taking part in the discussions in Section 1 examined a broad range of urgent problems in the theory and methodology of the economics of higher education. Thus, in the report 'The Problem of Improving the Country's Educational System," by V. S. Nemchenko (Moscow University), the author took note of the effectiveness of the USSR system of education and stressed the fact that successes in this area are inseparably linked to advances in science and in the economy. The speaker [V. S. Nemchenko] particularly emphasized the need for increased integration within the system of education. He noted that universal eight -year education and the transition to universal secondary education must produce qualitative clianges in other elements of the educational system. In the elaboration of plans for the development of individual elements [in the national system] of education, however, the latter are not being sufficiently coordinated with one another or with the demographic situation in one or another [geographic] region [of the country].

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