
Introduction: Media influence on suicide in the adolescent population is well known and explored in many researches. Unfortunately, despite great efforts to improve measures to protect the mental health of young people and the media - the last few years we have witnessed frequent abuse of suicidality and suicidal behavior among young people through news and social media in order to popularize media sources. The aim of study was to investigate the possible link of caracteristics using social networks by adolescents hospitalized in Day Hospital for Adolescents with suicide and self-harm behavior, as well as to explore whether different forms of risky behavior and satisfaction with peers are related to self-harm behavior. Methods: 80 hospitalized patients of Day Hospital for Adolescents filled in the questionnaire related to socio-demographic data with questionnaires on the use of social networks (Facebook and Instagram) and risky behaviors, made for the purposes of this study. Results: From the total sample 90% of the subjects where using social networks (Facebook or Instagram). The average number of friends / followers on social networks was 431.66 ± 648.11. The average number of hours per week spent on social networks amounted 7.20 ± 8.20. When it comes to the number of accounts on social networks, the average number of Instagram accounts was 1.96 ± 6.73, while the average number of Facebook accounts per person was 0.84 ± 0.78. Self-harm behavior was significantly correlated with time spent on social networks. Conclusion: Social networks have become a new training ground for social interaction for young people which raises the question of whether vulnerable categories more used social networks or social networks and inducing vulnerability.

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