
Nutrition problems in Indonesia are focused on the First 1000 Days of Life, which starts from the fetus in the mother's womb to toddlers aged 2 years. The targets to be intervened in this study are pregnant women. Where generally pregnant women have disorders such as anemia and Chronic Energy Deficiency. The disorder can be prevented by providing additional food using local ingredients. The purpose of this study was to obtain the right formulation of green bean flour biscuits and tuna flour for pregnant women PMT. This study uses a laboratory experimental research design with a completely randomized design study (CRD) using 3 levels of treatment, as many as 9 experimental units. P1 treatment level with the proportion of wheat flour: mung bean flour: tuna flour (75:15:10), P2 (65: 29: 6), and P3 (55: 41: 4). The results showed the substitution of mung bean flour and tuna flour had a significant influence on water content, ash content, protein content, fat content, iron content, aroma of biscuits. However, it gives no significant effect on carbohydrate levels. color, taste and texture. P2 treatment level is the best treatment.


  • Nutrition problems in Indonesia are focused on the First 1000 Days of Life, which starts from the fetus in the mother's womb to toddlers aged 2 years

  • The results showed the substitution of mung bean flour and tuna flour had a significant influence on water content, ash content, protein content, fat content, iron content, aroma of biscuits

  • Korelasi antara status gizi KEK dengan berat badan dan panjang badan bayi baru lahir

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Penelitian ini menggunakan jenis penelitian eksperimen laboratorium dengan desain penelitian Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) menggunakan 3 taraf perlakuan, sebanyak 9 unit percobaan, dengan Proporsi (%) Tepung Terigu: Tepung kacang hijau : tepung ikan tuna yaitu P1 (75 : 15 : 10); P2 (65 : 29 : 6); P3 (55 : 41 : 4). Pengembangan formulasi ini di desain untuk memenuhi 10% kebutuhan gizi ibu hamil berdasarkan AKG 2013, energi 255 Kkal, Protein 7,6 gram, Lemak 8,5 gram, dan zat besi 4-15 mg. Sasaran dalam penelitian ini adalah ibu hamil. Menentukan kebutuhan ibu hamil dalam sehari untuk porsi makanan tambahan dengan kepadatan energi 4,5 Kkal/ gram. 2. Menentukan Proporsi Menentukan proporsi biskuit untuk makanan tambahan berdasarkan nilai energi dan mutu kimia yang ditetapkan untuk ibu hamil. 3. Pembuatan Biskuit Pendahuluan Hal ini bertujuan untuk menetapkan standar bahan dan metode yang sesuai dalam pembuatan biskuit PMT ibu hamil dengan substitusi tepung kacang hijau dan tepung ikan tuna

Ikan tuna
Kuning kehijauan
Kadar Zat Gizi
Mutu organoleptik
Kesehatan RI
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