
By using a variable separation technique, an analytical model of the two-dimensional (2D) channel electrostatic potential for junctionless dual-material double-gate (JLDMDG) MOSFETs is derived from the 2D Poisson’s equation. On the basis of the 2D channel electrostatic potential and the current continuity equation, a subthreshold current model is obtained. The advantages of JLDMDG MOSFETs are proved by comparing the central electrostatic potential and electric field distribution with those of junctionless single-material double-gate (JLSMDG) MOSFETs. In addition, the influence of different device parameters (such as body thickness, oxide thickness, and the ratio of gate length) on subthreshold current and subthreshold slope is investigated. It is found that a smaller body thickness or gate oxide thickness or a longer control gate induces a better subthreshold performance. The data extracted from the developed model are in good accordance with simulation results obtained from DESSIS.

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