
AbstractSteam injection into oil sands reservoirs for bitumen extraction leads to the in situ generation of gases (mainly methane). Many oil sands formations have permeable cap rocks that may allow these gases to migrate to the overlying formations and pose environmental challenges to the groundwater. We present a detailed analysis of the long‐term fate of the in situ generated gases over the course of thermal oil recovery operations. The impacts of capillary barriers on upward migration of the in situ generated gases are quantified. Our findings reveal that the upward migration of gases over a 100‐year period in formations with continuous flow barriers with a permeability of less than ∼1 × 10−18 m2 is negligible. However, for formations with discontinuous flow barriers, the migrated gas can potentially leak to the surface depending on the capillary entry pressure of the preferential pathways (e.g., sand layers). In this case, the upward migration is primarily controlled by high permeability pathways. It was found that the migrated gas is effectively trapped by the residual and dissolution trapping mechanisms, and the gas migration to the overlying formations is prevented or significantly reduced by capillary pressure of sand layers. The results indicate that the migrated gas to the shallow groundwater is primarily comprised of methane and is free of CO2 and H2S. These results provide valuable insights into the long‐term fate of these gases in thermal oil recovery operations. They also offer potential opportunities for the development of regulatory frameworks and screening considerations for caprock/seal integrity/risk assessments.

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