
The article presents the substantiation of the methodology for studying the level of formation of STEM-competencies in students of basic general secondary education. The authors assume that the study of this problem will help to correct the conditions for the effective implementation of educational tasks of educational institutions.
 The authors noted that natural-mathematical education (STEM-education) is an integral system of natural and mathematical educational branches, the purpose of which is the development of personality through the formation of STEM-competencies, a natural-science picture of the world, based on the practical application of scientific, mathematical, technical and engineering knowledge to solve practical problems
 STEM-competencies are defined as a dynamic system of knowledge, skills and attitudes of the individual, which forms the ability to effectively innovate. The basis for studying the features of the levels of formation of STEM-competencies of students is to determine the content of the studied phenomenon. The components of the formation of STEM-competencies were defined as semantic - knowledge of mathematical competence and competence in the field of natural sciences, engineering and technology, engineering; emotional-motivational - attitude to STEM-competencies; behavioral - practical implementation of STEM skills.
 The study of the levels of formation of structural components of STEM-competencies is proposed to be carried out on a number of indicators, namely: semantic was analyzed for completeness, adequacy, awareness of knowledge of mathematical competence and competence in science, technology and engineering; emotional and motivational - for a positive or negative attitude to the application of mathematical competence and competence in the field of natural sciences, technology, engineering, its stability and effectiveness; behavioral - on the adequacy, stability and independence of the skills of STEM-competencies.
 The study of STEM-competencies formation levels of students will help to correct the conditions for the effective implementation of educational and educational tasks of educational institutions.

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