
Based on the results of a quantitative survey of the subject "Gender prejudice against women in the field of science and technology" conducted by the Vietnam Women's Academy in 2021, the article analyzes gender stereotypes about the position of female scientists in the family and workplace. Research results show that the level of prejudice towards the position of female scientists in the family and the workplace is at an average level. However, a part of the respondents still have prejudiced thinking about the position of female scientists in the family as the keepers of the fire, keeping the family happy; putting family above career and in a position to support their husband's success rather than valuing their career. In addition, the research team also found some stereotypes towards the position of female scientists in the workplace such as women are suitable for professional positions, men suitable for professional leadership positions; women are more suitable for professional jobs than for management positions; Women are more suitable for deputy than the chief, especially in the fields of natural sciences, engineering, and technology.

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