
Subsidence due to oil exploitation in the Bolivar Coast fields in western Venezuela has been monitored since 1926. Related horizontal earth movements have been measured by geodetic methods during the last 10 yr in the northern Tia Juana field area in and around the Ule tank farm and the GLP gas liquefaction plant. Damage to storage tanks and increasing appearance of fractures in the ground in the vicinity of the coastal dyke protection system warranted a detailed study. A surface geologic survey of the Ule area, based initially on aerophotographic interpretation of infrared photographs, flown, on a 1:5,000 scale, showed the area to be divided into blocks by several major faults. These faults were confirmed on the ground by visual inspection, shallow seismic refraction, geoelectric surveys and correlation of geotechnical borings. A geodetic survey of the area with a precision of 5 mm + 2 mm/km for distances, showed significant horizontal displacements of ground markers during an eight-year period. Accordingly, a measuring plan of high-precision (0.015 mm) electromechanic extensometer lines was designed for critical zones across known fault traces and fracture zones. A conceptual model integrates geodetic and extensometer measurements of horizontal movements in the Ule area with the geologicmore » and neotectonic frame of subsurface faults, joining systems, and tensional surface cracks. Rates of Holocene postglacial isostatic adjustments and natural, pre-industry subsidence due to degassing of reservoirs determined by C{sup 14} radiocarbon dating, were used to calculate subsidence rates due to oil exploitation. It was found that the subsidence occurs in the area, not as previously mapped continuous function of compaction, but as discrete, fault and crack limited blocks, governed as much by reactivation of fault slippage as by subsurface compaction.« less

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