
The article defines the main components that form modern public diplomacy, traces the role of public diplomacy subjects of Ukraine in the realization of the goals of public diplomacy in Qatar, Kuwait, and the UAE, updates the issue of optimizing the interaction of public diplomacy subjects of Ukraine in Qatar, Kuwait, and the UAE. It has been clarified that in the 21st century, the issue of establishing long-term relationships that create favorable conditions for state policy, in particular the influence on public opinion and those who shape it, is urgent. Public diplomacy has become an important factor in the international life of the vast majority of developed countries. It was revealed that the new rules of political interaction, which provide for openness and publicity, can be turned to advantage with the help of a well-thought-out strategy of public diplomacy, the results of which are measured not only by the positive image of the state in the world, but also by success in promoting foreign policy interests on the international arena. The key goals of public diplomacy are: strengthening the country's image, promoting its brand; ensuring a favorable environment in the field of international communication; development of two-way communication, partnership network; broadcast of political, cultural and other values (including through education); formation of public opinion by one state in another. It has been established that a complex of measures aimed at forming messages aimed at informing target audiences and certain groups of people abroad is of great importance for the effective implementation of the goals of public diplomacy in Qatar, Kuwait and the UAE. It has been proven that Ukrainian public diplomacy in Qatar, Kuwait, and the UAE has significantly intensified in recent years, as evidenced by a number of successfully implemented projects by diplomatic representatives. The spectrum of such events includes a decent presentation of Ukrainian fields of culture, education, sports, science, tourism, etc It was revealed that the fundamental renewal of the institutional foundations of the cooperation of Ukrainian diplomats in Qatar, Kuwait and the UAE with the Ukrainian diaspora in these countries will give impetus to raising public diplomacy of Ukraine in the Gulf subregion to a new level.

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