
On 18 November 2021, the Law of Ukraine ‘On Public Electronic Registers’ was passed. One of the issues regulated by this Law is the system of bodies and subjects in the field of registers. For example, the Law of Ukraine ‘On Public Electronic Registers’ determines a holder, an administrator, a public registrar, a creator, etc. At the same time, legal normative acts regulated relations in the field of particular registers sometimes do not use the same terminology. The aim of the article is to analyse the use of terms ‘holder’, ‘administrator’, ‘registrar’ and ‘creator’ in the Law of Ukraine ‘On Public Electronic Registers’ and legal normative acts regulated relations in the field of basic registers. In particular, the author analyses the terminology concerning the Unified State Demographic Register, the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, Individual Entrepreneurs and Public Organisations, the State Land Cadastre, the Unified State Register of Vehicles, the Register of Building Activity of the Unified State Electronic System in the Construction Sector, the State Register of Corporeal Rights to Real Estate. Studying the terminology concerning subjects in the field of registers used in the Law of Ukraine ‘On Public Electronic Registers’ and legal normative acts regulated relations in the field of basic registers, the author concludes that the terminology differs. Sometimes, instead of the term ‘holder’, the term ‘disposer’ is used. The term ‘creator’ is not used in any of the legal normative acts regulated relations in the field of basic registers. Even the term ‘registrar’ which is the most unified among others explored in the article is not used in all the special legal normative acts. The author pays attention to a necessity of terminology unification in the field of subjects of public registers.

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