
The article actualizes the methodological problem of specifying the directions of scientific researches in the specialty «Public Administration and Governance» in the third year of higher education. The relevant problem is considered through the prism of the absence of an officially approved standard of higher education at the educational and scientific level in the relevant specialty. Attention is drawn to the fact that the organization of scientific researches in the field of knowledge «Public Administration and Governance», in contrast to the researches carried out within the field of science «Public Administration» are carried out by applicants for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy without ensuring compliance of the content of qualification work with any directions of scientific research institutionalized at the state level. The article substantiates the fundamental difference between the methodological support of the applicant's choice of a scientific degree of subject-object direction of scientific research which is carried out in the field of knowledge «Public Administration and Governance» and in the field of science «Public Administration». Attention is drawn to the fact of absence of officially institutionalized at the state level for the field of knowledge «Public Administration and Governance» directions of organization of scientific research becomes the reason for actualization of risks of incorrect choice by the applicant for the degree «Doctor of Philosophy» of the focus of his scientific research. In contrast, a researcher who prepares a qualification work within the field of science «Public Administration», for example, the applicant for a doctoral degree in public administration, despite their conceptual maturity as a scientist, has a completely exhaustive list of research areas within the officially approved specialty passports. It is proposed to solve the problem of inconsistency of the researcher's previous research experience with the level of methodological support for the choice of the subject-object direction of scientific research through the prism of expanding (changing) the list of specialties within the field of knowledge «Public Administration and Management» and/or providing for separate specializations within the existing specialty. On the one hand, such a step, will allow to order the directions of scientific researches in accordance with the focus of attention of a particular field of knowledge, and on the other hand, it will contribute to improving of the quality of preparation and conducting of scientific research. The indirect result of expanding (changing) the list of specialties within the field of knowledge «Public Administration and Governance» may be its further development, for example, in the direction of ensuring correlation with the field of science «Public Administration».

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