
The subject of the study in the article is the word-formation type of subjective dialect nouns that have a specific subject meaning and are formed with the suffix -k(a). The word-formation type includes words recorded on the territory of the Smolensk region from the end of the XIX century to the present. The type under
 consideration as an independent word-formation unit is of particular interest in the field of dialect word-formation, since the nouns included in it were formed using the suffix -k(a), which is widely used in the Russian language, while dialect
 adjectives clearly show all the specifics of dialect word formation proper: filling the type with nouns belonging to a variety of semantic groups; wide involvement of not only typical Russian, but also dialect words as generating bases; the special
 role of derived words with a complicated word-formation structure within the type. The significance of the conducted research is emphasized by a large number of derived nouns formed from adjectives and words used in Smolensk dialects as
 adjectives (passive participles), with one or more suffixes, i.e. located at different stages of the derivation process; this circumstance indicates the complex structure of the dialect word-formation system of Smolensk dialects

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