
SUMMARYWe present a 2-D thermomechanical computational framework for simulating earthquake sequences in a non-linear visco-elasto-plastic compressible medium. The method is developed for a plane-strain problem and incorporates an invariant formulation of the classical rate- and state-dependent friction law and an adaptive time-stepping, which allows the time step to vary by many orders of magnitude during a simulation. Long-term tectonic convergence is imposed by displacing a boundary at a constant rate, whereas temperature-dependent viscosity is solved using a rapidly converging Newton–Raphson scheme. The 2-D volume is discretized using finite differences on a fully staggered grid and marker-in-cell techniques. An adaptive free-surface approximation is used to modulate the air viscosity with the time step, which allows stresses to vanish on the free surface during the propagation of fast slipping events. We present a set of increasingly complex models in which we investigate how inertia, radiation damping, thermally activated non-linear rheology and off-megathrust splay-fault events affect sequences of seismic and aseismic slip on a simplified subduction megathrust. The new method provides a unique computational framework to analyse earthquake sequences and to connect forearc deformation with the dynamic properties of the megathrust, thus providing a physical link between observations spanning from slow interseismic strain accumulation to localized coseismic slip of individual earthquakes and post-seismic viscoelastic relaxation.

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