
Family Planning 2020's admirable goal is to reach an additional 120 million women with contraceptive services. Achieving that goal will provide those women substantial benefits, including health benefits by offering them choice of a wide range of contraceptive contraceptives. Injectable contraception appears destined to play a pivotal role, since well over 40 million women worldwide already use injectable contraceptives, predominantly the 3-month intramuscular (IM) injectable depot-medroxyprogesterone acetate (DMPA) [ [1] United Nations, Department of Social and Economic Development, Population Division. http://www.un.org/esa/population/publications/contraceptive2011/wallchart_front.pdf (Accessed Oct 3, 2013). Google Scholar ]. In many developing countries, DMPA is the leading contraceptive method because of its attractive features including: relatively long duration of action, high effectiveness and ease of administration. Its other direct health benefits include prevention of endometrial cancer [ [2] World Health Organization Depot-medroxyprogesterone acetate ((DMPA) and risk of endometrial cancer. In J of Cancer. 1991; 49: 186-190 Google Scholar ] and reduced risk of anemia [ [3] World Health Organization Effects of contraception on hemoglobin and ferritin. Contraception. 1998; 58: 262-273 PubMed Google Scholar ].

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