
Binge alcohol consumption induces discrete social and arousal disturbances in human populations that promote increased drinking and accelerate the progression of Alcohol Use Disorder. Here, we show in a mouse model that binge alcohol consumption disrupts social recognition in females and potentiates sensorimotor arousal in males. These negative behavioral outcomes were associated with sex-specific adaptations in serotonergic signaling systems within the lateral habenula (LHb) and the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis (BNST), particularly those related to the receptor 5HT2c. While both BNST and LHb neurons expressing this receptor display potentiated activation following binge alcohol consumption, the primary causal mechanism underlying the effects of alcohol on social and arousal behaviors appears to be excessive activation of LHb5HT2c neurons. These findings may have valuable implications for the development of sex-specific treatments for mood and alcohol use disorders targeting the brain’s serotonin system.

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