
High-precision cylindrical surfaces are widely utilized in X ray telescope systems, laser systems, synchrotron radiation systems, etc. These systems put forward strict requirements on surface figure errors of cylindrical surfaces. As a supporting technique for fabrication, interferometric null test method for measuring cylindrical surfaces usually requires a Computer Generated-Hologram (CGH) as null. However, Limited by the aperture and F/number of CGHs for cylinders, large convex cylindrical surfaces with small R/number (ratio of the radius of curvature to the aperture) cannot be tested in a single measurement.Subaperture stitching along both axial direction and sagittal direction is required to acquire the full aperture surface figure map. a convex cylindrical mirror with R/3 and 350mm aperture was tested adopting our subaperture stitching test system for cylindrical surfaces. The key challenges are presented here including, subaperture stitching platform, subaperture algorithm, subaperture lattice, and the system alignment.

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