
The introduction of the civil service is an implementation of the idea of the state (public) service, i.e. providing staff for the state apparatus, especially the state administration, which in professional, competent, disciplined, and loyal to carry out the tasks of the state and exercise the powers of its organs. Such staff remaining in service of the state are to guarantee the permanent, efficient, and responsible performance of its functions and administration, and thus the stable and effective operation of the entire mechanism of exercising power in the state. The public service is one of the most important institutions of a democratic rule of law. The aim of the article is to explore the position of the civil service in the European tradition of statehood. The research thesis of the article is: The European tradition of statehood proves that the precondition of the existence of a stable, durable, effective, strong, and efficient state organism is the quality of administration, and the crème de la crème of administration is the civil service.

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