
Sub-visible particles can be a quality concern in pharmaceutical products, especially parenteral preparations. To quantify and characterize these particles, liquid samples may be passed through a flow-imaging microscopy instrument that also generates images of each detected particle. Machine learning techniques have increasingly been applied to this kind of data to detect changes in experimental conditions or classify specific types of particles, primarily focusing on silicone oil. That technique generally requires manual labeling of particle images by subject matter experts, a time-consuming and complex task.In this study, we created artificial datasets of silicone oil, protein particles, and glass particles that mimicked complex datasets of particles found in biopharmaceutical products. We used unsupervised learning techniques to effectively describe particle composition by sample. We then trained independent one-class classifiers to detect specific particle populations: silicone oil and glass particles. We also studied the consistency of the particle labels used to evaluate these models. Our results show that one-class classifiers are a reasonable choice for handling heterogeneous flow-imaging microscopy data and that unsupervised learning can aid in the labeling process. However, we found agreement among experts to be rather low, especially for smaller particles (< 8 µm for our Micro-Flow Imaging data). Given the fact that particle label confidence is not usually reported in the literature, we recommend more careful assessment of this topic in the future.

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