
Purpose:For prostate anatomy, previous investigations have shown that simulated CT (sCT) generated from MR images can be used for accurate dose computation. In this study, we demonstrate the feasibility of MR‐only IMRT planning for prostate case.Methods:Regular CT (rCT) and MR images of the same patient were acquired for prostate anatomy. Regions‐of‐interest (ROIs) i.e. target and risk structures are delineated on the rCT. A simulated CT (sCT) is generated from the MR image using the method described by Schadewaldt N et al. Their work establishes the clinical acceptability of dose calculation results on the sCT when compared to rCT. rCT and sCT are rigidly registered to ensure proper alignment between the two images. rCT and sCT are overlaid on each other and slice‐wise visual inspection confirms excellent agreement between the two images. ROIs on the rCT are copied over to sCT. Philips AutoPlanning solution is used for generating treatment plans. The same treatment technique protocol (plan parameters and clinical goals) is used to generate AutoPlan‐rCT and AutoPlan‐sCT respectively for rCT and and sCT. DVH comparison on ROIs and slice‐wise evaluation of dose is performed between AutoPlan‐rCT and AutoPlan‐sCT. Delivery parameters i.e. beam and corresponding segments from the AutoPlan‐sCT are copied over to rCT and dose is computed to get AutoPlan‐sCT‐on‐rCT.Results:Plan evaluation is done based on Dose Volume Histogram (DVH) of ROIs and manual slice‐wise inspection of dose distribution. Both AutoPlan‐rCT and AutoPlan‐sCT provide a clinically acceptable plan. Also, AutoPlan‐sCT‐on‐rCT shows excellent agreement with AutoPlan‐sCT.Conclusion:The study demonstrates that it is feasible to do IMRT planning on the simulated CT image obtained from MR image for prostate anatomy.The research is supported by Philips India Ltd

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