
In researching article were shown and researching so extraordinarily actual theme, that consists in illumination of scientific approaches in relation to subjective prosperity of both personality on the whole and workers of education, is considered in an offer article and investigational, in particular. Authorial position consists in a statement, that subjective prosperity of educational workers it depends on style of conflict behavior in a collective. The row of authors that studied the problem of productive conflicts in an educational environment is given. Psychological features and specific of concept "subjective prosperity" are analyzed personalities and "subjective prosperity" of educational workers. In the article methodologies of research of workers of education offer and reasonable on select subjects. Basic descriptions of conflict behavior of teachers were given and results were gotten. The analysis of the got results is conducted from positions of effective conflict that for the sake of receipt of subjective prosperity can use ineffective strategies of decision of conflicts. The mental condition of educational workers is analyzed. Intercommunication of conflict behavior style, features of mental conditions and state of subjective prosperity of educational workers is marked. One of further directions of scientific search the further analysis of intercommunication of style behavior in a conflict and state of subjective prosperity is envisaged for the leaders of educational organizations and determination of basic elements of their improvement. Undertaken an empiric study gave possibility to shine the urgent problems of teachers in area of origin of conflict situations. Research envisaged the complex use of such methodologies "Diagnostics of strategies of decision for conflict situations" of D. Johnson and F. Johnson and "Self-appraisal of mental conditions" of G. Izenk". Styles of conflict behavior of workers of education (compulsion, smoothing, avoidance, compromise, collaboration) and levels of formed for mental conditions (alarm, frustration, aggressiveness, rigidity) are certain. Ready results, give an opportunity to assert about intercommunication of style by conflict behavior, features of mental conditions and state of subjective prosperity of educational workers. It follows to consider the given description of the state of subjective prosperity the main result of the conducted analysis, depending on style of conflict behavior of educational workers. It is thus well-proven that the successful use and effective management of conflict behavior styles can provide subjective prosperity of educational workers in end-point. The leaders of educational organizations and determination of basic elements of their improvement have a possible study of intercommunication of style of behavior in a conflict and state of subjective prosperity in further researches.


  • Conflict in the labor collective is typical phenomenon in society in the period of social, political and economic changes nowadays

  • Among scientists it is possible to distinguish the row of scientists that studied essence and constituents of conflict, the most optimal ways of decision and prevention of their consequences are in a labor collective

  • On results the analysis of variance for women show the higher level of conflict behavior which was educed, than for men (р

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Conflict in the labor collective is typical phenomenon in society in the period of social, political and economic changes nowadays. It necessary to own the certain volume of theoretical knowledge practical skills that assists their overcoming for the structural decision of conflicts. One of the central places of psychological research is a problem a study of Volume 28, Number 4, 2018 92. A problem which is research of pedagogical conflicts in the system "teacherteacher" is one of the major but its psychological aspect, especially in area of subjective prosperity, investigational not so good. In relation to subjective prosperity, it is possible to mark that it is integral personal quality that shows up both in the field of social and in the internal world of personality. The analysis of different approaches showed the basic aspects of this phenomenon (Kashlyuk, 2016)

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