
Since the goal of most organizations is to create value for the stockholders and this is realized in firms enlisted in Stock Exchanges in the form of stock return, it seems absolutely necessary to absorb the attention of managers to the issue of human force efficiency to recognize the effect of human force efficiency in achieving this goal and in recognizing the probable obstacles. The goal of the present research is to assess the effect of human force efficiency on stock return in firms enlisted in Tehran Stock Exchange. Methodology: To do so, 83 firms enlisted in Stock Exchange during the time period between 2004 and 2013 from among 15 different industries were selected to test the hypotheses. To analyze the variables we have used a multiple regression method of cross sectional and time series data to determine the relationship between independent and dependent variables. Results: Results of the estimation of pooled data regression showed that pooling data method has been an appropriate method to estimate the model. Results of regression and correlation analysis showed that there has not been a meaningful relationship between human force efficiency and firms' stock return in Tehran Stock Exchange. Also there has not been a difference between users' firms and capital firms regarding this issue. Conclusion: Then, the effect of industry type on this relationship was tested and it was concluded that in 6 industries this relationship was negative and in 4 there has been a positive relationship while in 5 industries there was not any relationship observed.

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