
The article focuses a concept analyzing educational level of nomenclature elite in historical study including three obligatory components: educational lever, career practices, comparative characteristics on the educational level of upper structures and regional link (on the example of the Far East). The author proves a thesis that the growth of educational level of nomenclature was a catalyst for reforms in the USSR that in its turn accelerates social transformation of the society. The component part of the author’s concept is periodization and determination of stage peculiarities in changing educational level of nomenclature elite. There distinguished the period of the mid 1950-s - the mid of the 1960-s. The basic contradiction of this decade turned out to be the fact that on the general background of the growth of educational level of the whole society - on party-state Olympus there were leaders who made their career on party and ideological line earlier. The educational factor in their career was not of paramount importance. Since the second half of the 1960-s high education gradually became a natural element of biography, a basic condition of the appointment in the Far Eastern region. The new generation of workers that grew up under Soviet regime and being obliged in their career for Party-Soviet system, was gradually coming to power. In the 1970-s the educational level of political upper class in the Far Eastern region answered the demands of the social surrounding. By the mid of the 1980-s in the region senior officials turned out to be in the second echelon, leaders mainly came from engineers, economists and teachers, there is coming the Time of pragmatics. The education factor was one of the terms of realizing reforms in the USSR and Far Eastern policy.

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