
Culture in an organization is like a character of a human which forms his behaviors and help it to lead the organization to its mission. Moreover, creativity is an intention to “create” which is potential in all people in all ages. In the other words, creativity is a capacity of observing new relationships, creating unusual thoughts and being far from traditional thoughts’ patterns. Without an effective organization culture, creative activities cannot be expected. Consequently, the purpose of the study is investigating the relationship between organizational culture and creativity in cultural organizations. The population of the research is the whole employees of Ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidance, Islamic advertising Organization and Foundation of Martyrs, which are 600 individuals and the sample size according to Krejcie and Morgan is 234. To collect data two questionnaires of organizational culture from Quinn and Spreitzer (Cronbach’s Alpha=0.8240) and creativity from Randsepp (Cronbach’s Alpha = 0.963) and for analyzing them SPSS soft ware was exploited. The results revealed the positive meaningful relationship between organizational culture and creativity. Eventually, according to the purposes of the study the suggestions for the mentioned organization are recommended.

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