
The current basketball game requires a multilateral and specific physical training at a higher level, adapted to the particularities of the age. It is known that the aquatic environment offers a number of opportunities due to the properties of water. The innovative use of water resistance and buoyancy to practice various sports activities with low impact on the body and addressing the relationship between physical training on land and aquatic activities are aspects that want to be investigated in this paper. The purpose of the study is to analyze the opinions of coaches and the specialists on the role and benefits of using water exercises in the training of junior basketball players II. The questionnaire-type survey, applied to the 54 coaches, was used in order to be able to obtain in a short time a large volume of information related to the opportunity of introducing aquatic means in the training of basketball juniors.


  • Introduction“the purpose of physical condition or physical form is to resist fatigue, the number one enemy of athletes or to overcome it” emphasizes the author Bompa T.O [2].In modern basketball, the current game requires “a multilateral and specific physical training at a high level, adapted to the particularities of the respective age, the level of training of the athletes and the development trends of the game worldwide”[4].The author Popescu F. (2004) considers that “physical training ensures the energetic background of performance, stimulating the increase of functional and morphological indices (strengthening joints, ligaments, muscle development and more correctly, its preparation for mechanical work) and, motor qualities , so the increase of the general effort capacity of the organism, which will allow the highlighting of the technical-tactical baggage provided by the competition regulations in which the athlete specializes. ”[8]Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Braşov

  • The purpose of the study is to analyze the opinions of coaches and the specialists on the role and benefits of using water exercises in the training of junior basketball players II

  • In the training of junior basketball players at this stage, in addition to learning the correct technical and tactical procedures and improving motor skills, it is recommended by specialists to focus on the training process and on the harmonious development with a special focus on the athlete's posture and attention to functional disorders that may occur during this period

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“the purpose of physical condition or physical form is to resist fatigue, the number one enemy of athletes or to overcome it” emphasizes the author Bompa T.O [2].In modern basketball, the current game requires “a multilateral and specific physical training at a high level, adapted to the particularities of the respective age, the level of training of the athletes and the development trends of the game worldwide”[4].The author Popescu F. (2004) considers that “physical training ensures the energetic background of performance, stimulating the increase of functional and morphological indices (strengthening joints, ligaments, muscle development and more correctly, its preparation for mechanical work) and, motor qualities , so the increase of the general effort capacity of the organism, which will allow the highlighting of the technical-tactical baggage provided by the competition regulations in which the athlete specializes. ”[8]Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Braşov. (2004) considers that “physical training ensures the energetic background of performance, stimulating the increase of functional and morphological indices (strengthening joints, ligaments, muscle development and more correctly, its preparation for mechanical work) and, motor qualities , so the increase of the general effort capacity of the organism, which will allow the highlighting of the technical-tactical baggage provided by the competition regulations in which the athlete specializes. Basketball is a team sport, the training must take into account the individual physiological, biometric features, the system of technical and tactical knowledge as well as the psychological features of the players "[7]. In the training of junior basketball players at this stage, in addition to learning the correct technical and tactical procedures and improving motor skills, it is recommended by specialists to focus on the training process and on the harmonious development with a special focus on the athlete's posture and attention to functional disorders that may occur during this period. The demand for the locomotor system is asymmetrical in basketball” [3]

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