
This article reveals the main problems of the process of physical and special training in higher educational institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, outlines ways to solve these problems (combination of general and special physical training, use of elements of high sports technologies in the educational process, which are based on modern achievements of sports theory), the introduction of which to the existing system of training future law enforcement officers will positively affect their professional development as highly qualified professionals of the National Police of Ukraine of a modern European country. A modern policeman must ensure the safety of people, using, if necessary, sufficient force means and methods; able to distinguish dangerous situations; under any circumstances to act without prejudice, guided by ethical standards. The analysis of the practice of law enforcement confirms that the functional duties of a police officer can be performed by a person with a high level of responsibility for the results of his own official activity, who possesses a complex of knowledge, practical skills and formed professionally important traits acquired during special training. It is these components that ensure the professional readiness of a police officer to effectively perform complex, sometimes dangerous tasks. The new concept of activity of the National Police of Ukraine requires a special creative activity, a high level of culture, education, the ability for self-development and self-improvement from a law enforcement officer. Under such conditions, increasing the level of professional readiness of police officers is a key area of activity of higher education institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine and professional training departments of the National Police units. A thorough analysis of the domestic and foreign experience of training police officers gives reason to state that each country has developed its own approaches to solving the problem of professional training of police personnel. On the basis of the conducted research on the identification of specifics and actual problems in the process of training future law enforcement officers, it is possible to conclude about the need to improve the existing system and introduce innovative approaches that will positively affect their preparedness. It was determined, firstly, that the main problem is the low level of physical fitness of young people who join the armed forces, which creates certain difficulties in learning special and professional-applied skills. Secondly, the lack of a single standard program for physical and special training in institutions of higher education of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine and a decrease in the number of hours per discipline. Thirdly, the youth's motivation for physical training is low.

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