
Time has changed, and at the beginning of the 21st century, information and communication technology has exploded, and new media technology has stood at the front end of leading information dissemination in the era after continuous updating and iteration. With the development of new media technology, new media has the characteristics of timeliness, feedback and plurality, making all kinds of information spread in cyberspace in an uncontrollable way, which makes the government's task of guiding public opinion more and more heavy. However, the development of new media also provides the government with new governance methods in the field of public management. Based on the new media technology platform, various kinds of governmental media, such as WeChat, Weibo and Sina Weibo, have been built up, which provide the government with a lot of convenient ways to collect public opinion, publicize policies and guide public opinion. Based on the above, this paper will analysis the characteristics of new media and governmental media and identify the commonalities between new media and governmental media based on the connotation of new media and governmental media. Explore the combination road of new media and governmental media.

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