
Syrup products are preferred considering the tropical climate of Indonesia. One of the mangrove fruits that can be processed into syrup is pedada (Sonneratia caseolaris) which is combined with the natural colour of roselle flower petals. With the addition of roselle, the resulting syrup colour becomes attractive with a pink color. The manufacture of roselle mangrove syrup requires the addition of the right sugar. In this study, the manufacture of 1 kg of mangrove fruit was added with 3 concentrations of sucrose sugar (1; 1.5, and 2 kg). Tests were carried out by measuring antioxidant activity, the value of sucrose content, viscosity, and hedonic test. The test results showed that the value of sucrose content increased along with the addition of sucrose sugar to the syrup, namely 65.61 to 71.46%. The value of this sucrose content has met the SNI for syrup. The highest antioxidant value in the 2 kg sugar treatment was 79.58. In the study of the viscosity, the highest value at treatment with the composition of 2 kg sugar additional. However, the panelists preferred syrup with a sugar composition of 1.5 kg with the highest score marked on the hedonic test.

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