
Modern logistics industry is a basic, strategic and leading industry to support the development of national economy. However, the structural imbalance between supply and demand of logistics industry in Chinese different areas is becoming increasingly prominent. The existing logistics supply resources cannot meet the new changes of logistics demand caused by the transformation and upgrading of Chinese economy. Promoting the match of logistics supply and demand is a fundamental project for the coordinated development of regional logistics. After putting forward the concept of matching degree of logistics supply and demand resources, this paper designed the evaluation index system of logistics supply and demand resources, constructed Factor analysis-SEDEA model, and calculated the matching degree of logistics supply and demand resources according to the actual situation of provincial units in China. Finally, the sensitivity analysis of railway-related logistics supply resources was carried out, and the shortcomings of railway logistics development in various provinces were found. Specific suggestions for railway logistics development were put forward, which will enhance the scientific of supply-side structural reform, promote the accuracy of logistics planning and decision-making in China, and contribute to cost reduction and efficiency promotion of logistics.

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