
The study was conducted in Krishnagiri districts where Tamil Nadu Precision Farming Project Tamil Nadu state sponsored turnkey project implemented by Tamil Nadu Agricultural University in 400 ha to train the farmers in precision farming for a period of three years (2004-2007). Krishnagiri district was purposively selected and a Sample of 110 precision farming beneficiaries were considered for the study. The salient findings of the study were, majority of the tomato farmers had medium to high level of knowledge on practicing precision farming technologies in tomato cultivation. Hundred per cent of the respondents had knowledge about use of drip irrigation and fertigation system in tomato cultivation under precision farming, more than ninety per cent of the respondents had knowledge on staking practice, use of portrays for nursery preparation, appropriate spacing and use of optimum seed rate. It was also observed that the knowledge was minimum in adopting yellow sticky trap and growth promoters.

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