
Background: The aim of this study was to evaluate the genetic polymorphism of two populations of introduced R. pseudoacacia growing under drought conditions using ISSR markers. The individuals of R. pseudoacacia from two populations grow in the Ergeninskaya Upland, where a low level of moisture supply is observed. The difference between the populations lies in the conditions of growth, with the first population having a less favorable hydrothermal regime. Methods: ISSR markers were used to analyze the genetic structure of R. pseudoacacia. During this analysis, 6 out of 18 ISSR primers with a high information content were selected. Polymorphism and genetic diversity of ISSR loci in R. pseudoacacia were evaluated in two populations based on the obtained electropherograms using POPGENE v 1.31. Result: The study revealed that individuals of R. pseudoacacia growing in less favorable conditions have the greatest polymorphism of ISSR loci. Among individuals of the first population of R. pseudoacacia, the highest proportion of polymorphism was observed when using ISSR primers UBC 808 and UBC 826. Comparison of the obtained results of genetic structure analysis and the vital state showed that individuals with higher polymorphism, particularly using UBC 808 and UBC 826, have a more pronounced resistance to soil moisture deficit. The obtained results can be further used for selection and developing new resistant forms of R. pseudoacacia.

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