
According to the data about the shortest travel time of high-speed and conventional rail network from 10 cities, the domestic tourism income and the amount of domestic tourists in the middle reaches of Yangtze River area, this research will use the transportation accessibility in order to measure the spatial pattern of rail tourist transport accessibility in highspeed rail network. Based on the shortest travel time modified gravity model among 10 cities in high-speed rail network, the tourism economic linkage intensity, quantity, direction and breaking points are comprehensively estimated. And the highspeed rail's influence on the tourism linkage in the middle reach of Yangtze River area is identified. The result shows: Comparing with the existing lines, the tourist transport accessibility among cities is improved under the influence of high speed rail network, and the model presents a decreasing pattern from the central corridor to western wing and eastern wing. It shows the polarization effects of Wuhan and Changsha as the core of this region and there would be diffusion effect to some extent. The result of tourism economic linkage turns out the spatial distribution characteristics of this region. It shows that Wuhan and Changsha are the main cores and Nanchang is the vice core of this area, which constitute three major tourism economic circle.

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