
In the recent one and half decades the service oriented architecture (SoA) is the emerging technology and also inevitable for the web community people. The relevant applications are incorporated together through the web service component that provides bountiful Information to the people and the customers all over the world today. Here orchestration and choreography plays a vital role in SoA. Using the initial and the basic information, it is possible to predict the unforeseen schedule of the scenario through random process methodologies. In that particularly stochastic model is much appreciated for the above said. The recommendations can be obtained through the above method and provides all the necessary information’s to the customers using SoA interfaces. Normally hybrid linked applications were in the form of SoA. In the recent year of 2016 the leading journal established the role of SoA is an inevitable web services component and also acting as a aggregation in distributed systems (Traore, B.B., et al., 2016. Integrating MDA and SOA for improving telemedicine services. Telematics and Informatics, 33(3), pp.733–741). For any cross platform communication and commercial transactions can be possible via SoA modern architecture, which is emphasized in the journal published in the year 2014 (Su, X.Y., et al., 2014. A service oriented tele-health promotion information system with mobile application. Procedia Computer Science, 37, pp.274–281). The integration of Applications which has got some relevancy and homogeneity needs interoperable communications in health care systems. Decision making support can also be possible through the above said scenario which is accomplished through SoA [21]. In the research work 21 relevant papers were analyzed in deep and identified the gap about the methodology is the strenuous job. The real theme of the research work is to provide quicker information’s to the customers without making them in starvations.

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