
Corrosion of reinforcement is one of the causes of concrete deterioration by the water contained chloride ions and gas, for example hydrogen sulfide that penetrate into the concrete structures. By performing the related transport properties testing, it will fulfill the main objective of this research that is to investigate the fluid transport and bonding properties between normal concrete substrate (NC) and green USM reinforcement concrete (GUSMRC) containing ultra-fine palm oil fuel ash (UPOFA) as repair material. GUSMRC is the type of concrete that has been upgraded from the ultra-high performance fiber reinforces concrete (UHPFRC) with 50 % of UPOFA replacing the cement. Recently many researchers have found that the POFA can be used as partial cement replacement in the concrete which can improve the durability and also the fluid transportation properties. For the bonding properties, two types of surface treatment / roughness will be perform to investigate the greatest bonding and also the durability between NC substrate that act as an old structures with GUSMRC as new repair material. It’s important to perform the other related testing so that the future results obtained can be conclude either this new green ultra-high concrete can resist the harmful environmental aggression and also if it has an excellent bonding with the old concrete as a repair material.

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