
Sahih al-Bukhari by Imam Abu Abdullah Mohammad al-Bukhari comes second to the Holy Quran as a fundamental source of Islam. It is a most authentic collection of sayings and deeds of Prophet Mohammad (PBUH), which covers almost all aspects of life in providing proper guidance from the Messenger of Allah. The Muslim scholars of past and present time gave great importance to this book by making their efforts to extract the hidden treasures from this book and to present the different approaches and benefits of this book. “Al Kawakib Ad Durari” by Imam Alkirmani is an old explanation of Sahih Bukhari. During studying “Fath al Bari” I found that Alhafiz Ibne Hajar has consulted “Al Kawakib Ad Durari” and quoted Imam Alkirmani’s commentary and added it. Alhafiz Ibn e Hajar differs at many times with the opinions of Imam Alkirmani about specific time, place, different tribes and personalities mentioned in the text of traditions. I wanted to study such analysis to check the right opinion after comparing statements of both Imams and by consulting with the statements of other scholars of this field. This article approves that judgments of Ibn e Hajar about specific time, place, different tribes and personalities are more authentic than opinions of imam Alkirmani.


  • ABSRACT Sahih al-Bukhari by Imam Abu Abdullah Mohammad al-Bukhari comes second to the Holy Quran as a fundamental source of Islam

  • “Al Kawakib Ad Durari” by Imam Alkirmani is an old explanation of Sahih Bukhari

  • During studying “Fath al Bari” I found that Alhafiz Ibne Hajar has consulted “Al Kawakib Ad Durari” and quoted Imam Alkirmani’s commentary and added it

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‫محله والله أعلم‪.‬‬ ‫التعقب في نسبة أم عباس ‪:‬‬ ‫عند شرح الحدیث‪’’ :‬حدثني إبراهیم بن المنذر حدثنا محمد بن فلیح عن موسى بن عقبة قال ابن شهاب‪:‬‬ ‫حدثنا أنس بن مالك َأ َّن ِر َجا ًلا ِم َن الأَ ْن َصا ِر ا ْس َت ْأ َذ ُنوا َر ُسو َل اللهَِّ َص َّلى اللهُ َع َل ْی ِه َو َس َّل َم‪َ ،‬ف َقا ُلوا‪ :‬ا ْئ َذ ْن َلنَا َف ْلنَ ْت ُر ْك لِا ْب ِن‬ ‫ُأ ْختِنَا َع َّبا ٍس فِ َدا َء ُه َف َقا َل‪ :‬لاَ َت َد ُعو َن ِمنْ ُه ِد ْر ََ ًها‘‘‪ 4‬قال الإمام الكرماني‪:‬‬ ‫’’وكان عباس من جهة الأم قریبا للأنصار‘‘‪5‬‬ ‫’’وقال الحافظ ابن حجر‪ :‬قوله لابن أختنا عباس أي بن عبد المطلب وأم العباس لیست من الأنصار بل‬ ‫جدته أم عبد المطلب هي الأنصاریة فأطلقوا على جدة العباس أختا لكونها منهم وعلى العباس ابنها‬

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