
Background: Detail statistics on various aspects of working profile of child labourers is of key significance for research, policy, planning and implementation of program for elimination of child labour. Aims & Objective: To study working profile of child labourers. Study design: Cross sectional. Setting: 30 slum areas of Rajkot city. Material and Methods: 372 child labourers were taken by cluster methodology from May 2005 to July 2005. Data were collected using a pretested semi structured questionnaire from each child labourer during house-to-house visit. Statistical analysis was done by Z test and Chi – square test. Results: 58.6% were working for more than 6 hours in a day. 16.1% did not get rest during work and 11.6% not received weekly holiday. 8.3 % child labourers were not paid. Mean monthly income of child labourer was Rs. 689.15. 25.3% stated that they were exposed to sun or rain during work. 78.2% stated that there was no toilet facility and 94.3% stated that no medical care facility at work place. Conclusion: Majority of female child labourers engaged in Household work and male child labourers engaged in manufacturing sector. Working hours and monthly income of child labourers increases with the age. There were poor facilities at work place.

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