
In Bangladesh, children are working under hazardous condition due to the necessity that pushes them to labour. The present study is an attempt to explore the socio-economic conditions of child labourers, working conditions as well as employer’s views regarding child labours of Sylhet city. The study was conducted through personal interview with 70 child labourers and 50 employers. The simple random sampling procedure was used to select respondents. The study reveals that 48% cannot read and write. In case of occupation, 20% are automobile worker, 18% are rickshaw puller and 13% are domestic labor. About 64% of child labourers are landless, and 40% of the child labourer's monthly income rages from 600-1000 Taka as well as 40% are dependent on employer’s convenience. About 45% child labourer's working in hazardous environment and 76% are working 11 or more hours per day. Safeguard and medical facilities from owner’s side are not satisfactory. According to employers view, 32% and 28% recruit child labourers because of their obedience and availability of child workers respectively. Most of the employer’s (46%) recruit child labourer through the help of worker’s parents/relatives. Almost all of the employers revealed that they do not provide medical, transportation, even training facilities to the child labourers. But 84% of the employers provide foods during work time. The above data are clearly reflecting the hazardous circumstances of child labourers. Finally, areas and context-specific data are essential to raise awareness against child labour and also for future policies and effective surveillance initiatives.

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