
Background: In the Road Traffic Accidents, the injury to the head and neck is the most important of all regional injuries. The nature of the internal damage may or may not be reflected in the superficial injury to the head and face.Objectives: To study various types of road traffic accidents and associated skull injuriesMethods: The sequence, frequency and distribution of the injuries is investigated in detail for all patients admitted to the hospital. Factors such as age, gender, injury and intoxication have been investigated. Both fatal and non-fatal accidents have been recorded. The data has been collected from PME reports and inquest reports, relatives and friends of the deceased.Results: Incidence of skull fractures is 397(84.3%) in males and 74 (15.7%) in females. M: F ratio is 5.36:1. Highest number of fractures are seen in temporal 100 (21%), then in occipital 56 (11.9%), frontal 19 (4%), least single bone fracture is seen in 9 (1.9%) cases. Temporal bone is the bone that is fractured the most, individually in 100 cases, around 246 (52.2%) cases survived for a duration in hospital and died in hospital, 185 (39.2%) cases died on the spot, 40(8.5%) cases died on the way to hospital.Conclusion: Effective interventions include designing safer infrastructure and incorporating road safety features into land-use and transport planning, improving the safety features of vehicles, improving post-crash care for victims of road crashes, setting and enforcing laws relating to key risks, and raising public awareness.

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