
The article analyzes the process of forming the creative potential in prospective nurses in the course of professional training. The main reason for the existing problems connected with forming the creative potential in prospective nurses lies in the predominance in the students the external motives for choosing a profession since a significant number of the prospective nurses lose interest in the profession in the educational process. This takes place due to the imperfect methods, tools and forms used in the professional training in the educational institution. Other reasons of this situation are connected with the small number of practical activities, imperfections and outdated content of educational material. This, in turn, leads to a reproductive style of thinking and low cognitive motives in the perspective nurses when they do not want to develop pertinent skills and abilities, to improve their personality due to low level of inquisitiveness and weak persistence in achieving the goals. 
 It is proved that modern requirements to professional functions and social role of specialists in the sphere of nursing activity necessitate the modernization of the educational environment for the prospective competitive nurses. This presupposes the creation of innovative systems of professional development with taking into account the changes and consequences of their impact on professional activities of the prospective nurses. This can be realized by implementing a special course "Skills and professional inspiration of a nurse", designed to train the prospective nurses in the 5th semester. 
 It is established that one of the effective directions of developing the creative potential in the prospective nurses is related with updating the prospective nurses' professional training through the introduction of innovative educational technologies and interactive teaching methods into the educational process. 
 It is also found out that the reform of professional and professional before-higher education determines the tendency to actualize individualized training in medical institutions concerning self-development of specialists' personality in the context of their future professional activity, as well as forming individual psychological qualities, professionally significant qualities in all participants in the educational process, providing opportunities for individual research activities, improving the educational process in different types of medical institutions. To accomplish this, the prospective specialist must turn from an object of educational influence into a subject whose main features are activity, individuality and independence. This, in turn, presupposes the integration of the students into the creative educational environment of the educational institution, strengthening its development capabilities as a complex of systematized innovative educational resources with pertinent methodological, technological, organizational support.

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