
Relevance. The concept of aesthetic education and its implementation in the educational process and daily life of states is one of the fundamental conditions for the becoming of civil society, and has an essential impact on the formation of the cultural heritage of any country in the world.Purpose. The purpose of this study was to examine the specific features of the concepts of aesthetic education in the People�s Republic of China (PRC) and Kyrgyzstan, as well as to identify differences in the cultural and educational systems of these two countries.Methodology. The methodological framework of this study included the methods and techniques of scientific cognition, which were used to solve the tasks set and ensure the relevance of the results obtained. The study employed the general scientific systemic-structural, dialectical, interdisciplinary historical and legal methods and the method of synthesis, as well as the methods of analysis and a systematic approach to conducting this study.Results. The research found that the differences in the concepts of aesthetic education stem primarily from the different historical, cultural, and educational environments of the two countries. China has a long tradition of art and culture, and much attention is paid to art education. Kyrgyzstan, as a multinational state, also has a diverse culture, but the population is focused on how to promote its unique culture through aesthetic education. The Chinese education system also includes aesthetic education as a subject in the compulsory curriculum and has a special art education course. In Kyrgyzstan, however, there are specialised art courses and various educational resources available, but the level of aesthetic education stays relatively low.Conclusions. The result of this study can serve as an impetus for finding opportunities for educational exchanges and cooperation between China and Kyrgyzstan, which will help expand intercultural relations and improve cultural education in general, and can help to better understand the nature and characteristics of aesthetic education in the two countries, which will contribute to the establishment of educational exchanges and cooperation between them.

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