This contribution focuses on surface complexes in the calcite-brine-surfactant system. This is relevant for the recovery of oil when using a new hybrid enhanced oil recovery (EOR) method, which combines smart-water (i.e., ionically modified brine) and foam-flooding (SWAF) of light oil with dissolved carbon dioxide (CO2) at high pressure in carbonate (i.e., calcite) reservoirs. Using this new hybrid EOR-method (i.e., the SWAF-process) is not only economically attractive (i.e., it reduces opex costs) but also enhances the effectiveness of the production process, and thus reduces the environmental impact. Ionically modified brine (i.e., low-salinity) has a dual improvement effect. It not only leads to more stable foam lamellae, but also helps to change the carbonate rock wettability, leading for some conditions to more favorable relative permeability behavior. The mechanism for the modified permeability behavior in the presence of ionically modified brine is only partly understood. Therefore, we study this process initially in a zero dimensional (thermodynamics) setting, which can be used for the one dimensional (1D) displacement process with an oleic phase that contains carbon dioxide (CO2) and an aqueous phase that contains both carbon dioxide (CO2) and all the ionic substances. Using DLVO theory and surface complexation modeling to better understand the mechanism(s) of ionically modified brine as wettability modifier and foam stabilizer. We perform simulations using both (NaCl) and (MgCl2) to show the effect of a divalent ion at the high-salinity (8500 mmol/kg-w) and low-salinity (0.4 mmol/kg-w) for both ambient-conditions at (25°C) and at the reservoir-conditions (80°C). We confine our analysis to a description that uses the Dzombak-Morel model of surface complexes, which is based on the Debye-Hückel theory (i.e., valid up to ionic strength of 0.3 (mol/kilogram of water)). We also investigate the effect of carbon dioxide (CO2) on the stability of low-salinity foam-laminae. We model the foam-laminae, which contain as surface complex a (cationic) surfactant in an aqueous phase. We use the PHREEQC-software to calculate the surface charge and the surface potential. The presence of a carbon dioxide (CO2) phase leads to dissolution of four valent C(IV) compounds in the aqueous film. PHREEQC also calculates the equilibrium concentrations and surface potential and allows the study of the effect of salinity and the carbon dioxide (CO2) gas pressure. For the soap-film (foam-film) in a carbon dioxide (CO2) atmosphere we do use Pitzer activity coefficients (i.e., valid up to 6 (mol/kilogram of water)). As our aim is to show the methodology and the versatility of this approach, we leave more realistic choices of these parameters for future work.sFor the conditions considered we can qualitatively state that, in the presence of (NaCl i.e., at pH > 10) and (MgCl2 i.e., pH > 10.3), the low-salinity case shows a more stable water-film behavior at (25°C) and at (80°C) than the high-salinity case for both (25°C) and (80°C). Moreover, high carbon dioxide (CO2) pressures have a destabilizing effect on the film, as they reduce the surface potential. A reduced surface potential leads to a decreasing electrostatic double layer repulsion and thus destabilizes the foam-film, whereas low-salinity leads to less screening of the surface potential and thus improves the stability of the foam-film. The low-salinity flow is characterized by a high residual oil saturation and low end-point permeability for the two phase oil-water flow. This leads to a more favorable mobility ratio and thus a more favorable displacement process. For the calcite surface an enhanced stability helps to stabilize the water film on the calcite surface if the oil-water surface charge has the same sign as the surface charge on the calcite surface. Our calculations show the pH range where the sign of these charges is the same or opposite at low-salinity and high-salinity conditions. Admittedly these calculations only show trends, but can be used to delineate optimal conditions for the application of “Smart Water Assisted Foam (SWAF) Flooding”. It is expected that the SWAF-process under the optimum conditions will make the proposed new hybrid Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR) process environmentally and economically attractive.
In view of the increasing demand of energy in the world and of depleting oil and gas resources, it is important to increase the production from existing reservoirs by introducing new technologies for enhanced oil recovery (EOR) (Lakeet al., 1989; Lake, 2003; Firoozabadiet al., 2000; Hassan et al, 2019a; Hassan et al, 2017)
Our goal is to study the aqueous foam film, which can be modeled in the context of DLVO theory, considering that only two forces dominate interactions between charged surfaces: the van der Waals attractive and the Electrostatic Double Layer (EDL) repulsion forces (Hotze et al, 2010), i.e., see Fig. 3
It is to be expected that foam flow in calcite reservoirs requires both a water film on the calcite surface and stable foam lamellae
In view of the increasing demand of energy in the world and of depleting oil and gas resources, it is important to increase the production from existing reservoirs (since the fossil fuel is and remains the primary contributor to meet the global energy demand) by introducing new technologies for enhanced oil recovery (EOR) (Lakeet al., 1989; Lake, 2003; Firoozabadiet al., 2000; Hassan et al, 2019a; Hassan et al, 2017). This work introduces a new hybrid enhanced oil re covery method to improve the recovery from all of these three mecha nisms by combination of Water Assisted Foam (SWAF) Flooding in carbonate (i.e., calcite) reservoirs. Using this novel hybrid EOR-method (i.e., the SWAF-process) is economically attractive and improves the effectiveness of the production process, and reduces the environmental impact (Hassan et al, 2017; Govind et al, 2008; Gupta Gittinset al., 2007). The activity co efficients are more accurately given by the Pitzer coefficients above 0.3 [mol/kilogram of water] (Davies, 1938)
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