
Thermodynamic properties of liquid mixtures are communally used to examine the deviation from ideality. The thermodynamic properties, which depend on temperature, composition and pressure, describe interaction between the component molecules. The solubility is a property of solute and solvent that effect on extent of adsorption–desorption of pesticides. Hence solution chemistry utilized for investigation of environmental fate of agrochemicals and pollutants in the environment. Some pesticides can leach through the soil and enter into the groundwater. In India about 60 % of the population depends upon ground water for drinking purpose and almost 95 % of the households in rural areas use ground water as their primary source of drinking water. Drinking water supplies might be contaminated by pesticides. The excess use of pesticides leads to environmental contamination and the pesticide residues are found in food, water and air. This paper addresses a study of solvation behavior of Atrazine and Chlorothalonil pesticides in binary mixture of DMF and DMSO. The measured densities (ρ) and viscosities (η) at 298.15 to 313.15 K using a bicapillary pycnometer and Ubbelohde viscometer were utilize to study salvation and pollution approach of pesticides. The obtained parameters were interpreted in terms of solute–solute and solute–solvent interactions. The proposed method for study of solvation behavior of pesticides by viscometer is simple, robust and requires less computational time. Each pesticide and solvent molecules are nanoparticles. Recommendation from this research work could help to change physiochemical behavior of pesticides used in agriculture field to becomes more eco-friendly for the sustainable development in environment.

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