Parameters affecting drying process has been studied experimentally as it associated with heat and mass transfer between porous bed to be dried and air which flows through the porous bed. To perform this study, a test rig is designed and constructed as it consists of vertical circular duct packed with wet porous bed which is made from clay balls of 20 mm in diameter. Drying process occurs as a result of forcing hot air vertically to pass through the wet porous bed, evaporation of moisture is existed in the bed due to the simultaneous heat and mass transfer. The studied operating parameters are inlet air temperature, inlet air mass flux, porous bed depth and porosity of balls. The average heat and mass transfer coefficients are estimated for flow of hot air through the wet porous bed. The results indicated that, the drying rate is directly proportional to inlet air temperature, mass flux of air, dimensionless bed depth and ball porosity. So, Drying process can be achieved in lower time as increasing both air mass flux and or inlet air temperature and decreasing bed depth. Also, heat transfer coefficient and mass transfer coefficient increase with increasing inlet air temperature, inlet air mass flux, and ball porosity, but they decrease with increasing bed depth. Comparison between the obtained experimental results and the previous work gave the same trend.
Though ....-ct porous medium, which simuhuc thick IO)'Cr! of granular products
CXpc1',menl6l1y and t~lially forted convectton heat lRnS rer In a PKked bed of spheres. '" parallcl plate choonc:l configufttiol! with walls outnUIJned at aMlSllInt temperature WIt cmployed. lloeu results document the depuodence of the tempcratUJe field 11$ wcll 113 the heat nux rromthe wall on the problem par.mcttf1 in the thermally dcYclopin& rCglon. 'n lt Nusselt nunlber measuremen tS showed ~ signi licnnt intmlX In the locol llCQt I r~115fer lit !he c.MMcl wall re lative to Ihlll in d mie31 nuids
To inSWt that Ihe full), developed condiIJ.OlI rs no.. reached for the ing of hot. air I I inlet to the lest section, air i5 pas$Cd t!\roUgh the: en\rllna: se«iOll
Though ....-ct porous medium, which simuhuc thick IO)'Cr! of granular products. The obt3Ulcd model [ClIds to VI eurnin"tion of the validit), of preccdmi sim plified models and lhe more general solution of eontmuOia dfying. (1987) studied theoretlcAlI), and experimcntall), lhe dryilli! In lhe falhns nlte ~ r iOl.t In Ihis work, the study is dor.e to ,"~C5lipte me effect of Ihe olTeaillj panunelers on the drying process II)(;h as alr Oow I1'Ile, air IAlet temperatures, bed depth and ball potosi!),. At the inlet section bcrOle the Air blower,
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