
Purpose: The study is on the influencing factors of domestic solid waste management in Abuja targeted at investigating and studying the factors influencing domestic solid waste management in Abuja, Historically, the amount of wastes generated by human population was insignificant mainly due to the low population densities, coupled with the fact that there was very little exploitation of natural resources. The problem associated with the management of solid waste in most urban cities in Nigeria, like Abuja, does not completely appear to be a problem of absence of legislative framework for solid waste management owing to the fact that at Federal, States, and Local governments levels, there exist some form of sanitation legislations or the other, but some other factors have come to play with the crises experienced in the management of wastes in the Nigerian urban centers.
 Methodology: The research procedures involve the following: research design, population of the study, sample and sampling techniques, instrumentation, validation of the instrument, administration of the instrument and data analysis techniques.
 Findings: The result of the study to determine the social factor affecting the management of domestic waste: Location have great effect on waste management, not that everyone should leave in that location, but amenities available in that location should be considered in other locations too. There’s is inadequate waste bin located across the location of study. To determine the economic factor affecting the management of domestic waste: The key economic factor affecting waste management is the poor economy of the nation. Poor or bad technological concept lack of facilities, insufficient man power and more affect the waste management. To determine the natural factors affecting household waste management in Abuja: Top on the natural factor that affects solid waste management in Abuja is the wind, topography and flooding. Which made the management of this waste difficult by the waste management companies. Rain have a slight stand out as during rainy seasons waste management team don’t go into all sessions to extract waste.
 Unique contribution to theory, practice and policy: Further finding solving the research questions shows that the social status of Abuja residence affects the disposal of waste. The lack of finance or poor economic condition result to poor waste management. Some natural element has significance on waste management in Abuja. Some other factor that have significant effect on household waste management, e.g. corruption, bad economy, lack of sensitization and lack of funds. Furthermore, waste reuse will not be out of place hence the territory moves closer to a zero waste level, where all said waste are recycled and reused by the host communities.

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