
Introduction- Vatarakta is an illness where both Vata and Rakta are afflicted by distinct etiological factors. Vata- rakta is also possible when Gati of Vata is hindered by morbid Kapha Dosha. In modern science Gout shows sim- ilar characteristics like Vatarakta. It is occurred by accumulation of urate crystals in tissues. It starts from small joints to major joints. Pippali Vardhamanak is advised by Aacharya Sushruta for treatment of Vatarakta and other Vata-Kaphaj Vyadhi. In this VardhamanMatra of Pippali is given as said by Aacharya. Pippali has anti- inflammatory, rejuvenating properties and also act as Vata-Kapha Shamak. Aim- To evaluate therapeutic efficacy of Pippali Vardhamanak in Vatarakta with special reference to Gout. Objectives- To study therapeutic efficacy of Pippali Vardhamanak to reduce the symptoms of Vatarakta with special reference to Gout. Materials and Methods- The present study was conducted in 30 patients having clas- sical symptoms of Vatarakta. The patients were given Pippali Vardhamanak for 15 days. Pippali has Katu Ras, Laghu-Teekshna Snigdha Guna, Madhur Vipaka and Anshna Veerya, due to these proper- ties it acts as Kaphashamak, Vatashamak and Raktashama, Strotoshodhana. Piperine inhibits monosodium urate crystals. Conclusion- Pippali Vardhamanak gives significant relief in Vatarakta with special reference to Gout. Keywords: Vatarakta, Gout, Pippali, Pippali Vardhamanak

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