
The mutagenic effect of gamma rays (5, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 and 60 kR) and sodium azide (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 mM) alone or in combination (10 kR + 2 mM, 20 kR + 2 mM, 30 kR + 2 mM and 40 kR + 2 mM) on frequency and spectrum of chlorophyll and micromutations in cultivar, T9 of urd bean have been observed. The spectrum of chlorophyll mutations consisted of albina, chlorina, viresence, viridis and xentha. Out of these chlorophyll mutations, xantha type was predominant in both mutagenic treatments. Conclusively, the combination treatments have yielded the higher frequency, and various doses of mutagenic agents have independent response towards macromutations in bean cv-T9. These studies were broadly aimed at understanding the process of mutation, testing the efficacy of various mutagens, identifying optimum dose and best method of treatment; isolation of mutants of basic and applied value; elucidating the biological effects of gamma rays and sodium azide. Key words: Gamma rays, sodium azide (SA), chlorophyll, macro mutations, urd bean.

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