
A method for preparing autoallergen solutions was developed (the liver, spleen, bone marrow, and intestine water extracts and lysates of erythrocytes) to stage the reaction according to the Hoigne method with the blood plasma of irradiated animals. As established, when tissue allergen solutions were added in increasing concentrations to the blood plasma of nonirradiated animals a constant and uninterrupted reduction of the optic density, i.e. negative reaction was seen. Beginning from the 3rd day after irradiation with lethal doses of γ-rays (Co60) or X-rays, blood plasma acquires the ability to become bound with tissue antigens; this is manifested in the delayed optic density reduction of the medium, or even in its increase, which, according to Hoigne is evaluated as a positive reaction. The authors hold that the data obtained point to an early development of autosensitization in the irradiated organism.

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