
For publishing this article, two important ideas were indicated: the first one is the necessity of scientific research to establish antibacterial properties in those substances that can replace antibiotics in the fight against antibiotic resistant microorganisms; the second is to expand the possibilities for using a national Ukrainian product, such as honey. Ukraine is one of the important exporters of honey in the EU. This honey may have unique physical and chemical properties that will characterize its therapeutic effect. In other countries, these issues are actively studied by scientists, which provide special healing brands to certain its species. These issues are not well study in Ukraine. The aim of present study was to an experimental study of the use of antibacterial properties of honey in relation to methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus spp. Materials for research were isolates of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus spp. (MRSS) and samples of natural honey that were obtained from apiaries of the Odessa region. The standard methods of isolation Staphylococcus spp and methods determining the quality of honey were used. Qualitative indicators of honey included organoleptic studies, moisture and acidity, proline content. Determination of antibacterial properties of honey was studied in dilution it in distilled water in proportions 1:1, 1:2, 2:1 and 3:1 with following plating in nutrient agar wells on Petri dishes. It has been experimentally established that honey may be an excellent remedy against MRSS, but not all honey has the same antimicrobial activity. It has been established that the antibacterial properties of honey in relation to MRSS are influenced by the physical and chemical composition, namely the content of proline. It has been experimentally established that most types of investigated honey samples with high qualitative indices exhibited antibacterial action against antibiotic-resistant isolates of Staphylococcus spp., With higher levels of antibacterial activity showing those honey samples that had a higher proline content of more than 350 mg/kg. It was established that the antibacterial action of honey against antibiotic resistant isolates of Staphylococcus spp. It is better manifested in more concentrated solutions – when diluted in the ratio of honey / solvent as 2:1 and 3:1 (growth retardation zones from 34 mm to 58 mm) compared to solutions of honey diluted in proportions 1:1 and 1:2 (growth retardation zones from 10 mm to 15 mm).


  • For publishing this article, two important ideas were indicated: the first one is the necessity of scientific research to establish antibacterial properties in those substances that can replace antibiotics in the fight against antibiotic resistant microorganisms; the second is to expand the possibilities for using a national Ukrainian product, such as honey

  • The aim of present study was to an experimental study of the use of antibacterial properties of honey in relation to methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus spp

  • Materials for research were isolates of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus spp. (MRSS) and samples of natural honey that were obtained from apiaries of the Odessa region

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У 2016 році резолюція ВООЗ закликає держави-члени зміцнювати системи контролю та управління в галузі лікарських засобів, підтримувати наукові дослідження щодо правильного використання антибіотиків, заохочувати науковців до створення нових засобів для лікування. В останні роки до меду посилилася цікавість як до важливого природного ресурсу для нових методів лікування, що не мають тих побічних ефектів, які часто зустрічаються при використанні синтетичних хімічних лікарських засобів (Kahanets and Kasianchuk, 2010; Kwakman et al, 2010; Diachenko, 2012). Вченими було встановлено, що мед проявляє антибактеріальні властивості щодо тих бактерій, стосовно яких антибіотики були неефективні (Kwakman et al, 2010; Lu et al, 2014). Метою даної роботи було експериментальне вивчення антибактеріальних властивостей меду стосовно до ізолятів метицилінрезистентних Staphylococcus spp. Ми розв’язували такі завдання: виділяли ізоляти Staphylococcus spp. та визначали рівні їх антибіотикочутливості до 10 антибіотиків, а також підбирали проби якісного меду для цих досліджень

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