
Today all the companies are interested in the area of Sustainable Development as they have to concentrate on the areas of social, economic and environmental issues for the future generations. The companies have started planning for the long run issues that they would face from the public, planet and plant. Sustainable development means attaining a balance between the environmental protection and human economic development between the present and future needs. Some of the companies have a framework which matches the need for Sustainable development such as Global reporting Initiative, Carbon foot printing etc.This paper is mainly targeted towards the concept of Sustainable Development and a reframed structure model associated with it. This paper also concentrates and correlates issues of Sustainability with the three P’s of Sustainability development i.e. Profit, People and Planet.Addressing to the various areas such as inequities that usually dependent on international recognition that makes projects intolerable and makes a commitment of change and set standards to monitor the progress. The viability of the business is measured in terms of resources of healthy ecosystems-fresh water, clean air, robust diversity, productive land and stability of societies.

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