Background: Incorrect epigenetic modifications of the human genome may result in epigenetic disorders, thus, highlighting the necessity of studying chromosome epigenetic patterns in human development. Aim of the study: A comparative analysis of acetylated histone H3K9 (AcH3K9) patterns in human metaphase chromosomes from the lymphocytes of adults and fetuses. Materials and methods: The immunocytochemical detection of AcH3K9 in the metaphase chromosomes from PHA-stimulated peripheral lymphocytes of 13 adults and cord blood lymphocytes of 10 fetuses at 20-22 weeks of gestation. Results: Both in the chromosomes of the adults and the fetuses, AcH3K9 accumulated in the R- and T-, but not G-bands and avoided the regions of pericentromeric heterochromatin of the chromosomes 1, 9 and 16. When comparing the adult and the fetal chromosomes, different levels of AcH3K9 were revealed in a few bands: 2q31, 5p13, 5p15 and 16p13 had higher level of Н3К9 acetylation in adults, in contrast to 9q13 which was hyperacetylated in fetuses. Conclusion: The АсН3К9 distribution in metaphase chromosomes is band-specific and is similar between the adults and the fetuses, excluding a few bands with different acetylation levels.
Incorrect epigenetic modifications of the human genome may result in epigenetic disorders, highlighting the necessity of studying chromosome epigenetic patterns in human development
Both in the chromosomes of the adults and the fetuses, acetylated histone H3K9 (AcH3K9) accumulated in the R- and T, but not G-bands and avoided the regions of pericentromeric heterochromatin of the chromosomes 1, 9 and 16
Дальнейшие исследования характера ацетилирования гистонов метафазных хромосом, дополненные анализом транскрипционной активности, могут составить основу тест-систем для оценки эпигенетического статуса хроматина, в том числе в пренатальный период онтогенеза человека
Incorrect epigenetic modifications of the human genome may result in epigenetic disorders, highlighting the necessity of studying chromosome epigenetic patterns in human development. Цель — провести сравнительный анализ распределения ацетилированного по лизину в 9-м положении гистона Н3 (AcH3K9) на метафазных хромосомах из лимфоцитов периферической крови взрослых индивидов и пуповинной крови плодов человека. Иммуноцитохимическая детекция AcH3K9 на препаратах метафазных хромосом из стимулированных фитогемагглютинином лимфоцитов периферической крови 13 взрослых индивидов и пуповинной крови 10 плодов человека 20–22 недель развития.
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