
The Li(p,n) and Be(p,n) reactions are widely used as accelerator-based neutron sources for boron neutron capture therapy (BNCT). Because the energy of the neutrons produced by these reactions is high for BNCT, a moderator is required to reduce the energy to the epithermal energy region. The neutron yields and energy spectra derived from the Li(p,n) and Be(p,n) reactions vary with the incident proton energy; a high proton energy results in a high neutron yield. However, a high proton energy can also increase the neutron energy, and in this case, a high neutron energy requires a thick moderator, which decreases the epithermal neutron flux. Notably, these tradeoffs are not completely clear. Furthermore, the upper limit of the epithermal neutron energy used in different BCNT facilities is not the same. Therefore, epithermal neutron flux estimation with applying an appropriate moderator is necessary for comparing epithernal neutron flux depending on the proton energy, target type, and epithermal neutron range definition.In this study, GEANT4 simulations were performed to determine effective moderator materials and thicknesses. After applying a moderator, we examined the epithermal neutron flux by changing the conditions that can influence the epithermal neutron flux, such as the proton energy, target species (Li and Be), and different definitions of the epithermal neutron region. The results showed that the epithermal neutron flux increases with the increasing proton energy until a certain level for both Li and Be targets. For proton energies above 3 MeV for the Li target and above 7 MeV for the Be target, the epithermal neutron flux decreases or its increase rate gradually decreases. And, when the upper energy limit of the epithermal neutron range is changed from 10 keV to 20 keV or 40 keV, the epithermal neutron flux is more than 109 cm−2 s−1 at a proton energy of 3 MeV for Li target and 8 MeV for Be target.

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